My wild life

My wild life

Lord Voldemort

I had the intention of writing a blog about MUSA, the Underwater Museum of Art in Cancun, but writing has a way of taking us to paths that we must have the courage to explore. In this case, I’m willing to go back in time to share what happened to me before finding underwater sculptures […]

My silver hair My wild life

My silver hair

According to my mom, I was born with one gray hair, which means that my relationship with my silver hair is not a novelty, I was born with it. My dad started showing some grays when he was 18 years old and I inherited this particular quality from him. My relationship with my silver hair […]

My wild life

To my future life partner

Dear future partner of life and adventures, You don’t know me yet, I’m Karla, I’m 45 years old and I’m single. I know that you don’t need me to explain the reasons, if I’m writing this letter to you is because I know that you’re not one of those men who jump into conclusions. I […]